My very own website that you are currently on! It is where I post my blogs, share projects that I'm working on, and share things about me.

About this Project

I built this website beacuse I have always wanted to have my own space to share things or projects that I am working on and other details about me. I also just wanted to play around with web development as that is something I am passionate about. I also have a blog, which is just for sharing things/thoughts whenever I get them.

The website was originally built using Vite, but has been ported over to NextJs. This website is also built to be mobile-friendly so feel free to check it out on your smartphones, but more functionality will be available if you are accessing from a computer. You can play around with the light and dark mode switch to see the differences for each page. During the night, there will be stars that move randomly at different speeds and will be somewhat follow your cursor's movements. During the day, it will be bright so the stars will be hard to see!

Please feel free to contact me through the contacts page at anytime about anything! I will try to get back to you whenever I can.

Thank you for visiting!!!

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